Raw materials
The major raw materials for making finger chips is potato. A contract farming approach can be done to ensure best quality potatoes. This also facilitates processing of better quality french fries. Seasoning with spices or adding flavors can be done.
Electricity is one of the major utilities considered in setting up of a processing plant. It mostly required in making of frozen products and in storage. Water is also used for good quality.
Potato french fries can be packaged from 200gms to 5kgs depending on the market needs. Packages can be made of plain poly or laminated pouches.
During movement of products, temperatures must be maintained at -18degrees.
Manufacturing process
The process includes collection of raw potatoes, washing and peeling of the potatoes to remove dirt or extra unwanted particles.
They are then cut into strips of 6mm or 9mm according to grade of french fries.
The chips are blunched and then dried . Additionally, they are partially fried before moving to IQs where after they are packed into desired sizes and then stored in cold store.