0 / 5. 0
Year of Production:
Sequence from | Sequence to | Description |
00:00 | 01:45 | Animal feed raw materials are rice, grain husks, wheat bran, corn and jaggery |
01:46 | 02:12 | feed raw materials inside bins and finally into grinder. These are grinded to required size. |
02:13 | 02:29 | All raw materials are mixed according to cattle feeding composition. |
02:30 | 02:41 | After quality check, product is packed into bags of 40-50kg |
02:42 | 03:04 | Cattle feed unit is set up on 1500-2000 sq ft and also depend on project size. |
03:05 | 07:22 | summary |
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Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF)
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With financial support: BMZ
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With financial support: BMZ
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